Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Despre arta de a spune povesti.
"A story is a way of seeing the world and experiencing the world. When you hear a story, you can find yourself in that story. That story is the result of the things that people have seen and heard and understood, often for many generations before you."

My latest fascination. E folosita ca tehnica in campania Fiat 500, da, se raspandeste astazi prin atatia povestitori bloggeri si totodata e veche de cand lumea sau cel putin de cand a inceput copilaria fiecaruia. Raspandind anumite simboluri, idei si repere, in care interpretam uneori raspunsurile de care avem nevoie in anumite momente, acele now, really now sau poate, dupa cum spuneai, Rbk, ne alcatuiesc harta sociala si acel context fabricat pe care noi il numim "naturalul". Si totusi arta de a spune povesti e o poveste in sine. 

Astazi o sa ma joc un pic cu storytellers aici. Then I'll come back. 

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