And then sometimes, while walking, my chest hurts and I almost stumble over my right foot while the piano merges with the violins. That’s when I don’t see so much more the people around wandering to their usual businesses which I found so non-amusing. I see much more. Characters and long haired heroes, stories that cross out the universe, smiles that pierce into your soul or long staring eyes, fierce landscapes crashing the urban sites, moving scenery to dream feverishly. You’d wish to sketch out on the second or scream “photo moment” with the same impulse but not same posture as a painter, to capture and preserve them, like the most precious gifts.
Might be as you are always on the run to capture time. Win or lose, take a bet, black or white, where’s the jackpot, always trying to defeat time, tell him “Look, I know now, in this very moment where I am, and I will keep that forever, nothing will change, it will be like this forever”. Then you smile, or time is frozen, who can tell.
Everything is right in front of my eyes, a fairy tale world created by my mind – this if one can truthfully say that he’s the master of his world mind, might be you the alchemist keeping in secret his golden dust the one to clearly say it. Sometimes I see what mind soundtrack enables me with some emotion dust to design on the spot, on the rock. Then, with a shiver, one just crosses the street.